Lee’s Summit CARES


Mayor’s Character Breakfast

Community Conversations

Parenting Courses

Upcoming Events



Parenting Class – 6-Week Session

This will be a 6-week session on Tuesday’s through July into the first week of August. The location will be at the Kansas City Public Library: Plaza Branch (4801 Main Street.) | 6:00 – 7:30 pm.



Community Conversations

Join us for our Community Conversations Tuesday, July 25th from 6:30 – 7:40 pm at the Mid-Continent Library (1000 NE Colbern Road.) 



Parenting Class – One-Day Session

This will be a one-day Saturday session at the Mid-Continent Library (1000 NE Colbern Road). Registration is $50 per person. | 10:00 am –3:00 pm.

More Details


May, 2024

Mental Health Awareness Month

It has been observed every May in the United States for over 70
years. The intention of this observance is to increase awareness of the importance of mental health in Americans’ lives and to celebrate how far individuals have come in their mental health journeys. Lee’s Summit CARES intentionally shares resources for mental health, observes the importance of Mental Health Awareness, and highlights partners who focus on these topics year-round.

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health emergency,
please dial 988.

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